Our Platform leverages proprietary BPN graph database technology. We have two issued patents (and several continuations) that address the novel way we traverse the graph using tables and describe the system and method for utilizing a logical graphical model for scenario analysis wherein the logical graph model contains one or more variables of a probabilistic graphical model.


Our Strategic Scenario Models (“SSMs”) create logical cases for cash flow and valuation. When building an SSM, BPN users can start with any spreadsheet using Case Builder or start with our proprietary Odds Graph bayesian frameworks and capital markets models.  BPN’s Evidence Mapper, SlideDoc Maker, and Memo Writer can create automatic prompts and produce textual output based on the charts, tables, and numbers in the scenario analysis, regardless of the underlying calculation engine. 


Here are some details:

  • Using AI and human research, BPN users can attach research to each assumption to better determine whether they are comfortable with the assumptions driving their decisions.
  • BPN produces automatic prompts based on the key variables in the underlying spreadsheet or graph model. Users can edit the prompts or ask follow-up questions using AI Chat, and can drag & drop their own evidence and or add comments to inform the debate.
  • The Case Builder framework follows the underlying design and calculation formulas from the base spreadsheet, effectively making copies of the sheet for each case the user describes. 
  • The Odds Graph framework produces 3 statement models, complete with valuation analysis, for a comprehensive range of scenarios and assigns odds to each. It is more scalable than spreadsheets, and users can control the inputs directly from an input dashboard but changes to the underlying model architecture or calculation formulas require basic coding.
  • SlideDoc Maker automatically produces interactive charts and tables, and users can easily compare the assumptions and results. Users can also quickly iterate with changes to assumptions, add new cases, and create customized visualizations with formats of their own, or paste in text, images or other content to help frame the story.
  • Multiple users can easily update evidence, change assumptions and save different versions to compare views between team members or update the analysis as new information emerges or views change.
  • Memo Writer will produce a credible first draft memo, using automatic prompts that summarize the assumptions and results.
  • Based on the automatic prompts selected for the slidedoc, memo and appendices, BPN can compose standard sections such as a company summary, management team bios, investment positives, and risks, but the distinctive difference comes from capturing the numbers including the forecasts across cases.  
  • All charts, tables, and numbers are updated automatically in the Memo, so iteration is easy and painless for the user. Users can manually edit any section to add nuance and judgment to the conclusion or paste in additional text, images, or content to enhance the Memo.

Click here to learn more about our proprietary Odds Graph Strategic Scenario Models (“SSMs”).

Below are a series of 30 second videos that show you how to use key features to explore Strategic Scenario Models, attach evidence, change assumptions, and save versions:

View and Attach Research to Key Assumptions to Minimize Cognitive Bias-1

View and Attach Research to Key Assumptions to Minimize Cognitive Bias   

Change Assumptions using Centerpoint and Range in Your Personal Judgments-2

Change Assumptions using Centerpoint and Range in Your Personal Judgments   

Assign Explicit Odds to Success Regimes to Ensure Logical Cases

Assign Explicit Odds to Success Regimes to Ensure Logical Cases   

Explore Percentiles Summar

Explore Percentiles Summary of Upside/Downside or Zoom In on Specific Cases to See Details   

Save Versions

Save Versions to Compare Views across Different Analysts over Time   

The Bullet Point Network Platform makes it practical for investors and portfolio companies to quantify their stories, driving strategic decisions with data science about not only the past, but also the future.

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We’d love to show you the power of BPN’s AI-enabled research and modeling platform, and experienced research team.